Been almost a month and yet not much has change. No job, no money, no idea... getting lost.
Yeah, hardly any job here since it's small town after all and no one offering any despite my family network of friends. Or so they say. So now, i'm face with a dilemma- continue staying in hometown and waiting for any job offers- locally or from singapore; or go back to KL where it's more malaysian friendly....
And like all choices, there's the pros and cons of all things.
My mum wishes me to work in singapore or locally so that i can be nearer to home. And by staying at home, i dun need spend any money for anything since almost everything is provided (except pc and online). Not that i doing nothing at home, mind you. As any good son or daughter, i did my share of housework and stuffs. The bad part is that i could be waiting forever for work as time pass by wastefully and Singapore may just be too advanced for me.
If i go back to KL to find job, it might be easier but previous problems that made me leave the 1st time may crop up. 1st is the cost of living- family just dun have the money to let me spent in KL. Second, the transportation- some workplaces just inconvenient to reach, unless u own a car or live nearby. And 3rd is maybe my portfolio- just not good enough or just too unspecialize. I'm a jack of all trades but master of none.
Well, just say i not sure what to do now..
On another note, since i have all the time at home, i been working on a story or stories of my own manga. Everything still pretty rough now and not even sure if i can pull it off. Been doing a lot of concept art these days. Just too bad i dun have a decent pc of my own or else thing will be much easier. On another hand, i been working out too for some time. Yeah, i got fatter and lazier so it's wise to start exercising. Hope i can get fitter and better looking by the year end :D

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