Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Optimistic and Hopeful

Sigh~ just got back from an interview from PJ. And the result? Well, not that good I think. Maybe i was either too honest or lack of confidence bout myself. still it was a rather intimating 2 on 1 interview. Quite different from the same 2 on 1 last Monday. Nonetheless, I pretty confidence on what they'll see in my portfolio cds i gave them. And now hoping for second interview.

Speaking of the last interview on Monday, the atmosphere was more friendly and warm. I was interviewed as a graphic designer and i think made a good impression. Still if i get a job, i have another headache to attend to- the transport or maybe accomodation... Kepong is a way too far from where i live now. Better think of plan in case i got the job *sigh*

Another suprising development on my job searching was on the job which i quited waiting for. Guess what, the boss gave a call another day and asked to email a redesigned namecard of hers to jugde whether i got what it takes. Heck, she should have asked for it a month ago.. *sweats* Anyway, i did what she asked and hope for a good news.

Now, all I have to do is pray and be optimistic. My luck may just change for good.

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