I accidentally( totally cant remember pushing the locking button) locked myself out of my room while i wash my face tis morning with everything inside -keys, wallet, handphone. I cant even go out to ask for help- maindoor locked too :p
Try ramming the door ( not enuf body mass), picking lock ( just try :p), card sliding ( no cards to slide - plastic folder) but to avail... Luckily there a house phone in the living room (which i nvr used before). So i called up my bro who in turn give me a few contacts who live nearby ( i cant remember any number:p) Thanks god, a friend was free to help. She went and called a locksmith up.
Unfortunately he had to break the main door lock to get it (wasted) since that type cant be picked... Anyway the room door is unlock and I can finally get my day going... tis ordeal wastes a few hours today >.<" And also i need to part wif my RM50 for the locksmith's service T.T
Anyway, a few lesson have learned- hide an extra key, dun be too careless and have some contacts number nearby in case of an emengercy.
And a big big thanks for my friends who got involved into tis especially RX. Hontoni arigato~
since wimal requested a pic, this is wat i found the most similar type with mine

pictures please. I want to see what kind of lock is unpickable by a locksmith.
btw, it's good to keep a spare somewhere outside of the room tho i don't do that either. :P
haha, i dun own a digital camera.. yet :p but i can find a similiar pic from the net. heh
wah.......... anime fan !!! then we should be friends! lol...
funny case ..
i got this incident on last monday where i was about to go to work, and i locked myself in between the gate and the wooden door. i left the key on the shoe rak which inside the house. its exactly look like the monkey in the case but good things was i actually left one of the spare key in my friend house and she managed to rescued me from the "case".
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